Weight Management Women's Health

A 7 Day Diet For A Flat Stomach

The most problematic area of the body especially for women, when it comes to weight loss or keeping fit and trim, is the abdomen.

While there can be thousands of responses on getting a flat belly there are four basic steps to achieving a fit and trim abdomen in the shortest possible time:

  1. The correct diet – that is knowing what foods to avoid and what to eat.
  2. Targeted exercises for the abs – keeping in mind that high intensity for short time periods and rest have proven to give the best results.
  3. Reduce stress levels – it has been said that stress disrupts the flow of food through the intestines and contribute to the accumulation of belly fat. Learning to relax reduces the tensions in the stomach and intestines.
  4. Reduce fatty tissue around the abdomen – this can be done with slimming creams or fatty tissue reduction supplements.


Lets Start With Diet!

Here’s what to avoid: salt, alcohol, potatoes, cookies, candy and white rice.

7 Day Diet Overview

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water every day – that much will improve and speed up your metabolism, which in reducing the abdomen is indispensable.
  • The results of the diet begin to show through the week and during the diet you can lose 2 to 7 pounds depending on the starting weight.
  • The diet of the day should be divided into different meals, it is desirable to follow the same time intervals.
  • Every day, after waking up, drink a glass of water to activate all processes in your body.

7 Day Menu

  • Monday:
    Breakfast. 50 grams of oatmeal, filled with one percent, yogurt, apple, green tea.
    Lunch. 50 grams of low-fat cheese, half a tomato, half an avocado.
    Dinner. Chicken, green onion, 50 grams of rice noodles. Tuck in the soy sauce.
  • Tuesday:
    Breakfast . Oatmeal with milk, an orange, green tea.
    Lunch . Vegetable salad, dressed with a teaspoon of olive oil.
    Dinner. Stewed zucchini, 50 grams of cheese.
  • Wednesday:
    Breakfast. Berry smoothies.
    Lunch. Sushi or a lean fish, vegetables (300 grams).
    Dinner. Fried chicken fillet flavored with lemon juice.
  • Thursday:
    Breakfast. Boiled oatmeal and an egg.
    Lunch. Steamed vegetables.
    Dinner. Greek salad with chicken (100 grams).
  • Friday:
    Breakfast . Fruit Salad.
    Lunch. Vegetable salad, cheese 50 grams.
    Afternoon tea . A cup of yogurt.
    Dinner. Two tubers of baked potatoes or 300 grams of steam cooked salmon.
  • Saturday:
    Breakfast. Boiled egg, vegetable salad.
    Lunch . Stew or steamed vegetables, rice noodles.
    Dinner. Tenderloin steak (200 grams), salad of tomatoes and peppers.
  • Sunday:
    Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk, with berries 50 grams.
    Lunch. Salad with tomatoes, low-fat cheese and cucumber.
    Dinner. Salmon with broccoli.

NOTE: The above 7 Day Menu may be repeated for another week to get the best result

A Quick Note!

In my next post I’ll go into detail about targeted exercises for the abdomen.

Until then:

  • Check out my post on Exercise.
  • To maintain a healthy waistline, get information on Slimmetry™ Dietary Supplement by registering as a customer atThe Vitamin Store.

Presented by

Louis Blake
Updated: December 12, 2019

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